Monday, May 17, 2010

What overall appeal did this video have for you? (Is it because of the type of school or college, the music, the images, etc.)
The overall appeal that this video had for me was the music and the design on the video itself.

What specifically did you like about the video? Consider elements such as voice overs, images, video footage, music.
Out of the entire video, I liked the music, the background and the transitions.

Who do you think is the target audience for this video? Explain.
The target audience is obviously for graduates who are interested in a video editing career because the video is promoting a college in the video industry.

What message(s) were the creators of this video trying to send?
The message that the creators were trying to send was that their college would be an excellent choice if you are interested in creating and editing videos.

How is the video informative? What information does it convey?
This video shows the different activities that you can take part in at the school. It also shows the different degrees and GED's that you can receive.

How is the video persuasive? Consider how the video tries to convince the reader this is the school for them. Do they use testimonials, appealing images, humour, etc?
I think that the video is pretty persuasive because it shows all the different background techniques and transitions.

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